History of the Friends
Friends of the Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library was organized in 1971 to assist the Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library in serving its communities. The goal of the Friends has always been to promote and support the many functions, services and needs of the Library. The Friends have played active roles in supporting all kinds of library improvements and services over the years, including the building of the new Blacksburg library in 1990’s, and supporting the establishment of the Meadowbrook library in Shawsville/Elliston area 2004.
The Friends isa 501(c)3 non-profit organization that is run by volunteers from our community. We have two branch organizations at this time. The Montgomery County branch serves the Blacksburg, Christiansburg and Meadowbrook libraries, and the Montgomery bookmobile; while the Floyd branch supports the activities and services of the Jessie Peterman Memorial Libary and the Floyd County Bookmobile. Please note that although the two branches coordinate efforts and have many group programs and activities, this website is maintained by the Montgomery branch and not all the information will apply to the Floyd branch.
The Friends is a membership organization. Members may serve as volunteers, or not–but all members are valued. Members receive notices of library news and events, and are invited to special Friends Programs. Being a Friend is fun and rewarding, please see Membership Information for details.
Mission of the Friends (Montgomery Co.)
To enhance the ability of the libraries of Montgomery County, Virginia to provide outstanding service and access to all the citizens of the county. The role of the Friends is to raise funds and use these funds to improve collections, provide better access to library resources for all citizens, generate enthusiasm for and use of the library via programming, and to provide amenities for the library and its staff that will contribute both to our enjoyment of the library and its usefulness to all county residents.
Libraries Served by the Friends
The Friends of the Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library has two branches. The Montgomery branch serves the following libraries and their bookmobiles:
Blacksburg Public Library — Tel. 552-8246, 200 Miller Street, Blacksburg, VA 24060
Christiansburg Public Library — Tel. 382-6965, 125 Sheltman Avenue, Christiansburg, VA 24063.
Meadowbrook Public Library — Tel. 268-1964, 267 Alleghany Springs Road, Shawsville, VA
The Floyd Branch serves the Jesse Peterman Memorial Library and Floyd County Bookmobile.
Jesse Peterman Memorial Library — Tel. 745-2947, 321 Main Street, Floyd, VA
Board members 2021
Ellen Hall (President)
Brenda Springer (Treasurer)
Susan Keith (Secretary)
Piper Durrell (Acting Secretary)
Lynn Brammer (Hospitality Co-Chair, Garden Tour CoChair)
Phyllis Eschenmann(Hospitality Co-Chair)
Linda Greaver (Membership Co-Chair)
Piper Durrell(Membership Co-Chair)
Sue Hossack (Web Admin, Membership Admin)
Janice Litschert (Book sales – Blacksburg)
Linda Powers (Book sales – Christainsburg)
Ken Vaughan (Newsletter, Book sales MPL)
Linda Spivey (Library Liaison)