Welcome to the Friends of the Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library
A volunteer organization dedicated to supporting public libraries in Montgomery and Floyd Counties, Virginia
Friends of the Library meetings are held monthly. If you are interested in learning more about the Friends, joining us at the meeting is a great way to get involved. Meetings are usually the third Tuesday of each month. The meetings are held in the Community Room of the host library and the location rotates among the libraries. All are welcome. Feel free to contact us for more information..
Not a Friend yet? Click here to find out how to become one. Our libraries need Friends!
Printing and mailing costs for the Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library Newsletter are provided by the Friends of the Library. Join the Friends to receive a newsletter at home, or pick one up at any library. Check out the Newsletter Archives for past issues.
Did you know?
Friends has sponsored programs with visiting authors, library collection enhancement, startup collection for the new Meadowbrook Library, improvements to library community rooms and entry ways, toys for children, coffee service, used book drop offs and sales, poetry readings, programs on local history, staff appreciation events, summer reading program events, accessible computer stations … and many more projects to help keep our libraries strong and serving the whole community.