140 Morning Mist Dr. Christiansburg
Judy Keating and daughter Chelsea
After selling her farm in Clover Hollow, Judy moved to her current home. She fell in love with the thoughtfully designed garden which was severely neglected. Over the next two years, she had the crumbling rock walls restored, discovered and revitalized a small water garden and brought the garden back to life. Her favorite tree, a Weeping Cherry, she has dubbed “The Hugging Tree” as the branches wrap around you as you pass. Other trees – a Bald Cypress, Dogwood and Crepe Myrtle – add a vibrant backdrop to the pond which has become home to goldfish, frogs and is a favorite hangout for a variety of birds. With the help of her daughter, Chelsea, bringing the garden back to life has been a labor of love.
- 10am – 11am: Rene Rippe
- 12pm – 2pm: Lynn Margheim and Beth Caba
- 2:30pm – 3:30pm Leigh Powell
All photos (C) Charles Bostian